Deepen Relationships with 36 Questions: Explore Love, Friendship, and Self-Discovery

36 questions explore love

An Unexpected Path to Love

Who would have thought that a simple questionnaire could hold the key to rekindling romance? Crafted by American psychologist Arthur Aron, this exercise may seem unusual, yet it has proven to be a remarkable tool to ignite love within an hour. It's an adventure worth exploring; you may be astonished by its impact.

The Birth of a Phenomenon

The exercise caught public attention when Mandy Len Catron's experience was featured in The New York Times. She narrated how she and a fellow academic fell in love in just hours while answering Aron's intriguing questions. This seemingly strange encounter led them to a powerful realization of love as they reached the last question, leaving them speechless for four long minutes. This magical discovery was not planned but rather a beautiful accident.

A Historic Experiment

In 1997, Stony Brook University's Arthur Aron set out to investigate intimate relationships. He devised a unique experiment to connect two strangers, not anticipating that it would result in marriage for one student pair just six months later. This success was the first of many, proving the incredible potential of his creation.

The Secret Unveiled: A Fresh Perspective

Aron's experiment revealed that exposing vulnerability and sharing personal confessions can create an atmosphere ripe for love. But it's not a love potion for everyone. It works for those already drawn to each other, waiting for a chance to let their feelings blossom.

A Wider Impact: More Than Romance

The questionnaire's influence extended to friendships and more, with various stories of connections and reconciliations emerging since its publication in The New York Times. Mandy Len Catron's upcoming book, "The Love Story Project," underscores the growing fascination with this exercise.

Expert Insight: A Psychoanalyst's View

Sophie Cadalen, a specialist in couple dynamics, shared her thoughts, highlighting the difficulty in quickly answering some questions. The real power, she believes, is in the exercise's ability to disrupt our balance, to make us question and choose. It's a moment where we connect with our true selves.

Exposing Your Inner Self

exposing your inner self

Cadalen emphasizes that it's not merely the sharing of secrets but the unveiling of vulnerabilities that fosters closeness. This makes the exercise valuable even for long-term couples, challenging the assumption that we know everything about our partner and reigniting curiosity and desire.

An Organic Experience

Both Cadalen and Catron agree that this isn't a recipe for creating love artificially. It can awaken existing feelings but not manufacture them. Love's mysterious nature remains preserved.

Embarking on the Exercise: Guidelines

Want to give it a try? Dedicate an hour in a serene environment, answer the questions with openness, and avoid distractions like note-taking. Embrace the journey as the questions deepen, and end with a soulful four-minute gaze into each other's eyes.

An enchanting exploration of love, this 36-question exercise invites us to discover not only our partner but also ourselves. It's more than a questionnaire; it's a gateway to the unknown facets of love, making us see each other anew and, perhaps, fall in love all over again.

Series #1

  1. Who would be your dream dinner guest, whether it's a friend, a departed family member, or a celebrity?
  2. Do you aspire to be well-known? If so, what for?
  3. Do you ever practice what you're going to say before making a phone call? What's the reason for this?
  4. Describe your ideal day. What would it include?
  5. When did you last sing by yourself or to someone else?
  6. If you could live to 90 but have the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last six decades, which would you pick?
  7. Do you have any private suspicions about how your life will end?
  8. List three characteristics that you and your partner share.
  9. What are you most thankful for?
  10. If you could alter one aspect of your upbringing, what would that be?
  11. In four minutes, relate your life story to your partner in as much detail as you can.
  12. If you could gain any ability or talent overnight, what would you choose?

Series #2

  1. If a magical crystal could uncover the truth about anything, what would you want to discover?
  2. What's a long-held dream of yours that you haven't pursued? Why not?
  3. What do you consider your life's crowning achievement?
  4. What do you prize most in a friendship?
  5. What memory do you hold most dear?
  6. What's the worst memory you have?
  7. If you found out you only had a year to live, what would you change about your life? Why?
  8. How do you define friendship?
  9. What significance do love and affection have in your life?
  10. Take turns listing five positive attributes about each other.
  11. Would you describe your family as warm and close-knit?
  12. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

Series #3

  1. Together, make three statements that are true for both of you. For instance, "Right now, we both feel..."
  2. Finish this sentence: "I wish I had someone to share..."
  3. If your partner were to become a close friend, what's something they should know about you?
  4. Tell your partner something you genuinely like about them, even if it's something you might not say to a stranger.
  5. Share a moment from your life that was awkward or embarrassing with your partner.
  6. When was the last time you shed tears in front of someone? Or when you were by yourself?
  7. Let your partner know what you value in them at this very moment.
  8. What subject do you believe is too grave to make jokes about?
  9. If you were to die tonight without the chance to talk to anyone, what would you regret not having said? Why haven't you said it?
  10. If your house were to catch fire and you could save only one item after your family and pets were safe, what would it be? Why?
  11. Whose death within your family would distress you the most? Can you explain why?
  12. Discuss a personal issue with your partner, asking how they'd cope with it. Then ask their thoughts on your feelings about the problem.

[Read: Is It Love or Just a Phase? Identifying True Feelings]


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