Genger dysphoria test

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Gender dysphoria test

Gender dysphoria can be understood as a profound sense of distress and unease arising from the disparity between one's gender identity - the gender with which they identify - and the sex they were assigned at birth. This condition, previously termed "gender identity disorder" until 1994 by the American Psychological Association, often finds prevalence among transgender individuals who have transitioned in adulthood.

Identifying Symptoms of Gender Dysphoria

The defining attribute that separates gender nonconformity (which is not a mental health condition) from gender dysphoria lies in the individual's level of distress. Specifically, this distress arises from the incongruence between the individual's physical sexual traits and the gender they identify with.

Several factors may contribute to the onset of gender dysphoria, including enduring feelings of loneliness, isolation, lack of acceptance from family and society, and experiences of bias and discrimination.

The Test and Its Guidelines

The test comprises 20 straightforward statements for which you should provide your honest response, indicating your level of agreement or disagreement. However, it is crucial to approach the test results with caution. They should not be regarded as medical advice or recommendations. This Gender Dysphoria Test is simply a tool intended for educational purposes. It does not replace the role of professional healthcare assessments, and should not be used to self-diagnose or make medical decisions. Always consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
1. Do family or friends pressure me to conform to societal expectations regarding my behavior and clothing based on my assigned gender at birth?
2. Do I frequently experience unhappiness and find myself crying a lot?
3. Do I struggle to manage and control my emotions more than I did in the past?
4. Do I feel isolated and disconnected from other people in my life?
5. Am I facing bullying or mistreatment because of my gender identity?
6. Do I often feel ashamed or guilty about my desires and who I am?
7. Do I feel bothered or disgusted by the appearance of my genitals?
8. Is my sexual life unsatisfying and disappointing?
9. Do I believe that my future will be unhappy and lacking fulfillment?
10. Do I suffer from insomnia or frequently have disturbing nightmares?
11. Do I frequently experience anxiety or worry without any apparent reason?
12. Do I desire to be treated by others as a person of a different gender?
13. Am I currently undergoing or planning to undergo hormone therapy to alter my physical body?
14. Do I find it more difficult to focus on my professional activities compared to before?
15. Do I sometimes have thoughts that others would be better off if I were not alive?
16. Am I bothered by my name and do I often dream about officially changing it?
17. Do I feel uncomfortable using public restrooms designated for the gender I was assigned at birth?
18. Do I believe that I have nothing to be proud of in my life?
19. Do I tend to take unnecessary risks in situations where I could avoid them?
20. Have I become more withdrawn and socially isolated compared to how I used to be?