Is Your Boyfriend Taking You for Granted? Spot the 28 Signs & Learn How to Turn It Around

28 signs he’s taking you for granted

Hey there! Have you ever felt like you're just not getting the attention or appreciation you deserve in your relationship? It's like you're there, but not quite seen or heard? Well, you're not alone. Many of us go through this phase where we feel our partner might be taking us for granted. But worry not! Let's break down the signs, understand why it happens, and most importantly, figure out how to fix it!

28 Signs He’s Taking You for Granted

  1. Texts Go Unanswered: Your messages are met with silence more often than not.
  2. Plans are Last Minute: He only makes plans at the last minute, as if you're an afterthought.
  3. No More "Thank Yous": Those two little words seem to have vanished from his vocabulary.
  4. You Initiate Everything: From conversations to date nights, it’s all on you.
  5. He Forgets Important Dates: Birthdays and anniversaries slip his mind.
  6. No More Small Gestures: Remember those cute little things he used to do? They’re history now.
  7. He Stops Asking About Your Day: Your daily life doesn’t seem to interest him anymore.
  8. Your Opinion Doesn’t Count: He makes decisions without considering your views.
  9. No More Surprises: The element of surprise in your relationship has fizzled out.
  10. You Feel Alone Even When He’s Around: There's a palpable emotional distance.
  11. Your Achievements Go Unnoticed: Your successes no longer excite him or warrant a celebration.
  12. No Effort in Appearances: He doesn’t bother to look nice for you anymore.
  13. Always on His Phone: He’s more interested in his phone than in spending quality time with you.
  14. Friends and Family Take Priority: You’re no longer his go-to person for events or outings.
  15. No Interest in Your Friends or Family: He shows little to no interest in the people important to you.
  16. Rare Compliments: The compliments have dried up; you rarely hear anything positive.
  17. Avoids Talking About the Future: Any conversation about the future is quickly changed or avoided.
  18. Takes but Doesn’t Give: The relationship feels one-sided, with you giving more than you receive.
  19. No Effort in Communication: Conversations have become superficial or non-existent.
  20. He Doesn’t Notice Changes: Whether you get a haircut or wear something new, he doesn’t seem to notice.
  21. Makes You Feel Guilty for Wanting More: He makes you feel demanding or clingy for wanting basic attention.
  22. Doesn’t Value Your Time: He’s often late or cancels plans without considering your schedule.
  23. Lack of Support: He’s not there for you during tough times or when you need a shoulder to lean on.
  24. No Effort to Resolve Conflicts: He doesn’t put effort into resolving disagreements or conflicts.
  25. Dismisses Your Feelings: Your emotions and feelings are often dismissed or belittled.
  26. Rarely Initiates Physical Intimacy: Physical closeness is initiated by you most of the time.
  27. Lack of Respect for Your Boundaries: He disregards your personal boundaries.
  28. You Feel More Like a Roommate: The relationship feels more platonic than romantic.

Why Does This Happen?

You're probably wondering, "Why is this happening?" Well, it's often a mix of comfort, complacency, and sometimes, lack of awareness. When things get comfortable in a relationship, effort sometimes takes a back seat. It's not always intentional, but it happens.

Fixing It – The Practical Way

fixing it – the practical way

Step 1: Reflect on Your Feelings

Before confronting the issue, it’s essential to understand your own feelings. Are you feeling neglected, unappreciated, or undervalued? Pinpointing your emotions will help in addressing the issue effectively.

Step 2: Communicate, Don’t Accuse

Communication is key, but the approach matters. Instead of launching into accusations, try expressing how you feel. Use “I feel” statements to avoid making him defensive.

Step 3: Set Boundaries and Expectations

It's important to set clear boundaries and expectations in your relationship. Let him know what you need and why it’s important to you.

Step 4: Encourage Mutual Effort

A relationship is a two-way street. Encourage your boyfriend to put in his share of effort. It's about balance, not keeping score.

Step 5: Give Him Space to Adjust

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Give him some time to adjust to the new dynamics and expectations.

Step 6: Seek External Support if Needed

Sometimes, getting a third-party perspective helps. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from a counselor or therapist if you feel stuck.

Step 7: Reassess the Relationship

If, despite your efforts, things don’t change, it might be time to reassess the relationship. Remember, your well-being and happiness are paramount.

It's true that relationships require consistent effort and attention. Feeling taken for granted can be a disheartening experience, but it's crucial to remember that it doesn't signify the end of your relationship's journey. Instead, it can be a pivotal moment for growth and deeper understanding.
When addressing feelings of being taken for granted, how you communicate is as important as what you communicate. It's not just about airing your grievances; it's about creating an environment where both you and your partner feel safe to express vulnerabilities and needs. This may involve setting aside uninterrupted time to talk, using empathetic language, and being open to hearing your partner's perspective as well.
Above all, remember your worth. You deserve a relationship where you are seen, heard, appreciated, and loved. Don't settle for less. A healthy relationship is one where both partners feel valued and important.
Feeling taken for granted can be a challenging phase in any relationship, but it’s not insurmountable. With the right approach, open communication, and mutual willingness to grow, many relationships find new strength and deeper intimacy. It's about taking those steps together, with patience and understanding, towards a more fulfilling partnership.


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