1. I have thoughts about gender reassignment surgery.
2. My life would be better if I was born a human of the opposite sex.
3. As a child, I preferred toys and activities typical for children of the opposite sex.
4. I have dreams in which I appear as a person of the opposite sex.
5. People of the opposite sex have more social advantages.
6. It gives me pleasure to look like a person of the opposite sex (wearing makeup, clothes, having a corresponding hairstyle) when no one sees me.
7. I have appeared in public as a person of the opposite sex.
8. I have a feeling that I have been assigned the wrong gender at birth.
9. My sex life would be better if I was born a person of the opposite sex.
10. I would like to be able to specify a different gender in my personal documents.
11. I make an effort to meet others’ expectations associated with my gender.
12. I don't like the look of my genitals.
13. I would like others to treat me as they treat people of the opposite sex.
14. I often get upset or depressed when I think about my future without changing my biological sex.
15. My family pressures me to make my behavior fit my biological sex.
16. I have little in common with other representatives of my biological sex.
17. I have taken or I’m planning to take hormonal drugs to change my body composition.
18. I don't like my name, sometimes I would like to change it.
19. Society does not support and accept transgender people enough.
20. I am not comfortable going to a public restroom for the gender I have been assigned at birth.
21. I feel strange or embarrassed when people talk about me using pronouns suitable for my biological sex.
22. In online games, I choose characters of the opposite sex.
23. My parents treated me like a child of the opposite sex.
24. I was raised by a single parent.
25. I like to use the manners of people of the opposite sex.