What Every Woman Should Consider Including in a Prenup


Prenuptial agreements, commonly known as "prenups," have shifted from being a taboo to a recommended financial tool for many couples. Especially for women, who often find themselves vulnerable in certain financial situations, a prenup can act as a safeguard. So, what exactly should a woman consider including in her prenup? Let’s unpack this.

The Power of Prenups

A prenup is not a forecast of divorce but rather a proactive approach to protect both parties. Think of it as a safety net that provides clarity on financial expectations and consequences should the marriage end. It’s like insurance: you hope you’ll never need it, but it’s wise to have it.

1. Property and Asset Division

  • Real Estate: If you enter the marriage owning property, detail what happens to it if you divorce. Does it remain yours? Will your spouse be entitled to any increase in its value during the marriage?
  • Inheritances: Inheritances are typically considered separate property, but it's good to clarify this in a prenup.
  • Business Ownership: If you own a business or part of one, specify how its value and continued operations are to be handled.

2. Debt Protection

You don't want to be responsible for debts your spouse brought into the marriage. Ensure the prenup has a clause protecting you from liabilities you didn't personally accrue.

3. Alimony or Spousal Support

Depending on your financial situation, you might want to address whether alimony will be paid, how much, and for how long. Some prenups rule out alimony altogether.

4. Financial Responsibilities During the Marriage

financial responsibilities

This might seem minute but laying out who is responsible for what, financially speaking, during the marriage can prevent many disputes:

  • How will household expenses be split?
  • Who covers health insurance?
  • How are vacations financed?

5. Retirement Benefits

Ensure the prenup addresses who gets what in terms of 401(k)s, IRAs, and other retirement accounts, especially if there's a significant imbalance between the two of you.

6. Investment Strategies

Discuss and outline how joint investments will be managed. If you’re risk-averse and your partner is a high-risk taker, you’ll want this documented.

7. Provisions for Children from Previous Relationships

If either of you has children from a previous relationship, the prenup can specify financial provisions to ensure they are taken care of.

8. Handling of Future Earnings

If you anticipate a significant increase in earnings due to business ventures or other reasons, you may want to determine how those future earnings will be split.

9. Procedure for Filing Taxes

Will you file jointly or separately? If jointly, who gets which deductions? This can get especially important if there are discrepancies in earnings.

10. Privacy Clauses

In an era where everyone shares everything, it might be essential for some to include a clause stating that neither party will publicly discuss or share details about the other’s finances, business dealings, or related personal matters.


Having a prenup doesn’t mean you’re betting against your marriage. It means you're entering into a significant life commitment with clarity and responsibility. For women, especially, it's about empowerment and ensuring that regardless of the romantic outcomes, you’re safeguarded against potential financial pitfalls. As always, it's recommended to seek legal counsel to ensure that the agreement is fair, equitable, and enforceable.


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